THANK YOU for supporting Cincy’s local food system!
You’re contribution means the WORLD to us. Literally.
All of us at Our Harvest whole-heartedly thank you for helping us reach our $35,000 goal! Farming is so important for our local community and THE WHOLE WORLD. As we face some of the most threatening environmental crises in human history, regenerative farming has been identified as one of the best ways to combat climate change and that is exactly why we have fought so hard to keep Our Harvest alive and thriving.
If you want to know exactly HOW important is, we thought the article “How Carbon Farming Can Help Stop Climate Change in Its Tracks” from The Nation is a good explainer:
In terms of regenerative agriculture, carbon farming means preserving ground cover, planting seeds with either minimal tilling or individual drilling. It often means planting two or more crops in the same field, to be harvested at different times, and paying attention to how nitrogen-fixing plants like lentils blend well with grains and figuring out how beneficial animal species can fit in. For a longtime organic gardener like me, carbon gardening may mean less digging and more companion planting, plus a renewed reverence for earthworms…
The fossil-fuel industry will fight this. The agro-industrial complex will fight this. But on the other side are young people who want to change their future, who want a livable climate, and who want to do work that matters. And there are older people who support them.
Help us spread the word by December 20th!
As you read in our email, we need to raise $35,000 by December 20th or we will close down. We have already received an outpour of donations and pledges – over $5,000 in a week. If use our collective networks, we can do this!
Here’s how you can help:
forward our message to 2 amazing people in your life who understand the connection between healthy eating and healing our planet
become a community owner for $100
purchase preferred stock for $1000/share
get on our volunteer or steering team
And if the spirit so moves you, here’s the donation button again to pass along to others or to make another donation: